Since 1928 we have been pioneers of Polish aerospace.

Our new strategy is ready!

I announced shortly after I joined PZL that we would prepare a strategy for the future of our company until November.

After weeks of hard work, I am really proud to say that the team has delivered in line with the plan.

We created a dedicated team in September to review the situation of the company and identify our priorities for the next five years.

In our analysis we have included the inputs from the key contributors to success: our employees, our partners and our customers. The result is a concrete plan for growth, ambitious but realistic, to take our company to the new level.

I am impatient to share more details, but first we need to obtain the endorsement of our Supervisory Board. This is planned next week, and shortly after that we will communicate to all the staff and then we will launch the implementation.

I am very proud of the outstanding job done by the team, and excited about the opportunities that we have in front of us.

8/12 UPDATE: you can now read about the main elements of our strategy including mission, vision, priorities and transformation initiatives in the “About us” section.

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