Earlier this year, the OPC Manufacturing area in PZL launched a workshop training to familiarize office workers with the basics of aircraft production.
Workshop training for office workers

For weeks I have been trying to find time in my agenda to participate in this interesting initiative, and I am really happy that yesterday I could finally make it
Together with Adrian Subocz we spent half a day building a simple assembly in order to practice the basic operations of aerostructures assembly: drilling, clamping, applying sealant, cleaning, riveting, etc. I want to specially thank our trainer Mr. Marek Kula for his patience and expert guidance.
I must admit that the result of my work was not good enough to pass our quality controls. But I will nevertheless proudly display in my office the plate I made. It will be a reminder to respect the great job that our colleagues in the workshop make every day.
This was a great experience that I strongly recommend to all office workers in PZL.
Why? Because it is fundamental that we all understand that ultimately the reason why we are here is to help and support our colleagues in the workshop making products for our customer.