Four top market leaders: Airbus Poland, Cleanproject, SatRevolution and PwC Polska, as an operator of the program, have opened the first edition of an unique aerospace startup acceleration program – Future Space Accelerator.

The aim of this project is to support companies offering technological space innovations with their business models and match them with potential international investors, business partners and future clients.
Future Space Accelerator is a unique aerospace startup acceleration program where startups and program partners speed up the transformation of innovative ideas into valuable business.
“Future Space Accelerator provides Startup Founders with support they need to grow their business, matching them with the worlds’ most influential market players and their cutting-edge technologies,” said Manuel Heredia Ortiz, President in Airbus Poland S.A.
The project is directed to companies which offer technological space innovations, have a prototype of the product as a minimum, and are willing to cooperate with at least one of the programs’ partners.
Partners of the program are looking for B2B or B2B2C solutions which can be applicable for widely understood aerospace industry. The list of required technologies includes: nanosatellites, satellites, optoelectronics, geo-tagging, image processing and analysis, Artificial Intelligence, data science, robotics, automation systems, mechatronics and machine learning.
Application process ends on 16th July 2019. In August we will know the short list of startups. Next months they spend on preparing their business cases together with Airbus, Cleanproject and SatRevolution. During this period, experts from a partners’ companies as well as external mentors will support startups involved in the program. In December, during Demo Day, startups will have the opportunity to show their cases in front of potential clients and investors.