The Infectious Hospital in Puławy has received masks from military material reserves to help its workers protect themselves from COVID-19.

These masks replace the shields (so-called visors) of workers exposed to the most frequent contact with the coronavirus. The hospital asked us for help in adapting the masks for use.
Thanks to the material, which was provided by Grupa Azoty from Puławy, the Engineering Department made a project of adapters allowing to connect biological filters to the masks. Thanks to 3D printing we managed to provide a sufficient number of adapters, so that the employees of the facility in Puławy could work safely.
The company’s employees also joined in the on-site assistance. In response to the call of the Blood Donation and Blood Care Centre for blood donation, the employees decided to donate in a blood bus, which worked on the premises of the Warsaw branch of Airbus Poland all day long on 5 May.