Spain-Poland Space Industry Day was held in Warsaw at the Hotel Grand on 17 January. It was organized by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology and Polish Space Agency.

Conference partners included Centro para el Desarollo Tecnológico Industrial, TEDAE industry association, Polish Space Industry Association, Airbus Poland, GMV Innovating Solutions Ltd, Indra i Sener Ltd.
The main goal of the conference was to present strategic plans and exchange experiences by representatives of government institutions, present the potential of Poland and Spain in the field of space technologies and search for opportunities for business cooperation.
SPACE PL was the main initiator of the meeting and from the very beginning cooperated with the Spanish embassy in Poland, effectively seeking to invite guests from CDTI, TEDAE and the Spanish Ministry of National Defense.
Mr. Francisco Javier Sanabria Valderrama, Spanish Ambassador to Poland opened the event, followed by Mr. Robert Nowicki, Deputy Director of Innovation Department at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology who spoke about Polish Space Strategy. Mr. Grzegorz Brona, President of the Polish Space Agency spoke about the National Space Programme.
Other distinguished guests included Mr. Jorge Lomba, Head of Space Department, Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), Tomasz Husak, Head of Cabinet to Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Gen. Carlos de Salas Murillo, Head of C4ISR and Space Systems at Spanish MoD, Gen. Juan Pablo Sanchez de Lara – Head of Plans Division of the Air Staff, Col. Rafal Borek, Defence Projects Department, Polish Space Agency.
The discussion panel hosted by Paweł Ziemnicki of dealt with possibilities of Polish-Spanish cooperation in the space sector. How to start? How to finance? Possibilities for creating a bilateral program? After lunch there were B2B meetings.
The main media partner was as part of the portal, with several other industry publishers also participating. Paweł Ziemnicki from interviewed CEO Airbus Poland Manuel Heredia Ortiz: